Position(s) Available

Our research group is interdisciplinary, linking mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, material science and etc. together.

We have 2 Postdoc Positions avaliable for application [2024-2025]. We offer a very competitive payment. Please contact us.

We are currently looking for:

Visiting scholars/students, graduate research assistants, undergraduate assistants, PhD students.

PhD Students:

  • - Requires a master’s degree, or a bachelor’s degree with a strong academic background.
  • - Please send the following info to Prof. YANG zbyang@ust.hk, to ensure priority reply:
    1. Transcripts
    2. CV with a list of publications
    3. English test score (minimum TOFEL = 80, or IELTS = 6.5)
    4. Publication samples in PDF format

    HKUST studentships offer a monthly stipend of ~HK$20,000, 12 months per year, to all successful candidates. All graduate students are admitted through the HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School (FYTGS). For admission requirements, please consult the MAE Web. Admission success is highly based on GPA and publication records. Read more...

    Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS): Strong applicants are encouraged to apply for the prestigious Hong Kong PhD fellowship. The Fellowship provides a monthly stipend of HK$325,200 (~US$41,700) per year for 4 years and a conference travel allowance of HK$13,600 (~US$1,740) per year for 4 years, and Guaranteed University Accommodation. Read more...